EDM track about missing loved ones during quarantine. 19 Feb 2021
I started this track a month after being in quarantine and realizing it would be a while until I could see and hug those I missed the most.
Fortuitously, I happened upon UK producer (originally from Portugal) Eduardo Dinis. He was enthusiastic about the track and we set about producing this track together so we both got the sounds we both liked. It was a challenge to produce and mix this track remotely, but with the use of Zoom and AudioMovers, we found a great working progress.

I was grateful to have a steady job where I could work from home, and thought it might be best to share my good fortune with those who were facing housing insecurity, especially members of my transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming community.I had come across House of Tulip prior to the release of Pop Combo’s album last year and thought it was a great opportunity to help out more.
I asked my friends to send in clips of themselves dancing to round out my homemade video and the result is below.
I picked up some nominal coverage and a few accolades by submitting to various blogs and Spotify playlisters, which was a little time-consuming to find people who would appreciate it.
For those who might be confused about my continued foray into EDM after years of doing power-pop, it’s just an expression of what I was feeling at the time. Deal with it. {wink}
Below are a couple of press clippings.

Американский музыкант Lenny Zenith, пионер инди-рока, трансгендер, ЛГБТ-активист который много работал с различными группами, сотрудничал с известными продюсерами (James Murphy, и Wharton Tiers, за плечами которых культовые пластинки Sonic Youth и Blonde Redhead), а так же преуспел в концертной деятельности, выступая на одной сцене с U2, Iggy Pop, и Gang of Four, продолжает свое погружение в танцевальную электронику и на этой неделе выкатил чудный клубный хит «Hardly Wait».
Трек, записывался во время жесткого локдауна, и практически вся работа над ним с британским продюсером Eduardo Dinis проходила в Zoom и AudioMovers, а прибыль от реализации этого сингла будет отправлена в Новоорлеанский House of Tulip, занимающийся проблемами трансгендерных и гендерно не бинарных персон.
American musician Lenny Zenith, indie rock pioneer, transgender, LGBT activist who worked a lot with various groups, collaborated with famous producers (James Murphy, and Wharton Tiers, behind which the cult records Sonic Youth and Blonde Redhead), and also succeeded in live performance, sharing stage with U2, Iggy Pop, and Gang of Four, continues his immersion in dance electronics and this week rolled out a wonderful club hit “Hardly Wait”. The track was recorded during a tough lockdown, and almost all work on it with British producer Eduardo Dinis took place at Zoom and AudioMovers, and the proceeds from the sale of this single will be sent to the New Orleans House of Tulip, which deals with transgender and gender non-binary people.

Y de Ecuador:”‘Hardly Wait’ es lo que nos llega de Lenny Zenith, una canción que nos recuerda mucho a canciones de los ochentas. Quizá su estilo electrónico y divertido son las razones para explicar todo ese poder con que la propuesta avanza hacia nuestros oídos, que quedan encantados con todos los detalles que esta canción nos regala, apuntando siempre al baile extremo y sin dejarse nada por hacer. Es furia sonora que se explica muy bien en cada sonido y que la adrenalina lleva muy bien a nuestros gustos.”
…and from Ecuador: “‘Hardly Wait’ is what comes to us from Lenny Zenith, a song that reminds us a lot of songs from the eighties. Perhaps its electronic and fun style are the reasons to explain all that power with which the proposal advances towards our ears, that they are delighted with all the details that this song gives us, always aiming for extreme dance and leaving nothing to do. It is a sound fury that is explained very well in each sound and that adrenaline leads very well to our tastes. “