“One Of Us Should Go” – The 1st single from He/Hymn

You may want to listen to the song to assemble your own perceptions of its meaning (summary below).

I’m super-excited to premiere the first song from my upcoming album He\Hymn – “One Of Us Should Go”

It is a more adventurous dive into fuller orchestration for me, as it goes beyond my familiar guitar, bass and drums routine — as the title suggests, is about ‘strained relationships’.

The video was (mostly) shot and edited by David Milone and briefly features the musicians who played on the track. All of the parts were recorded remotely in NYC (Queens), Little Rock, AR and Austin, TX and mixed in Queens by James Pertusi (the bassist, background vocalist and producer)!

Listen: Spotify |Soundcloud | Bandcamp (pre-order album)


Song summary…

This song combines various stages of a strained relationship, likely on the brink of collapse.

These types of situations always cause emotional turmoil and conflict. I have occasionally had a whiskey bottle on the kitchen table in the morning, and sleepless night son the couch. The uncertainty and agony sometimes feels like a “fire in the brain”. Hopefully, the weather elements like rain and wind mirror the internal storm brewing between a couple on the edge.

We often know when “one of us should go” — it’s usually a mutual understanding that the relationship is unsustainable if not explicitly stated. There’s “water just/rushing below” and being “left in the desert” leaves one feeling vulnerable and isolated.

Despite the pain and uncertainty, I tried to convey hope for the future by mentioning “memories surround us” and “falling into light” because of my belief in the possibility of healing or moving on, even if it means parting ways.

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