Single cover with trans flag and handprint
I Am What I Am

This song raises money for pro-trans organizations

The lyrics of “I AM WHAT I AM (Trans Pride)” by Lenny Zenith are a powerful and empowering anthem that celebrates self-acceptance, authenticity, and pride in one’s transgender identity. The lyrics convey a strong message of resilience, encouraging individuals to stand tall, be proud, and keep their heads up. The song recognizes the journey that transgender individuals go through and honors their courage and determination to live their true identities. It emphasizes the importance of living with love authentically and the freedom that comes with embracing one’s true self.

The catchy chorus, “I am what I am, no matter what they say, transgender and proud, never afraid to show my face,” is a defiant declaration of self-worth and a refusal to be defined by societal expectations. It encourages listeners to reject the dictates of society and instead embrace their true selves. The lyrics highlight the beauty and pride that comes from embracing one’s identity and refusing to hide in the face of discrimination or prejudice.

The bridge of the song reminds listeners that they are valid and loved, urging them to step into the light and trust that everything will be fine. It serves as a comforting and empowering reminder to embrace one’s true self and reject the chains of conformity that society often imposes.

Overall, “I AM WHAT I AM (Trans Pride)” is a song that celebrates transgender pride and encourages individuals to embrace their authentic selves. It is a powerful anthem that promotes self-acceptance, resilience, and love. The lyrics inspire listeners to break down the walls of hate and boldly show the world their true beauty.

I Am What I Am (Trans Pride Song)

Stand tall,  be proud, keep your head up, be strong

So here’s to all those who’ve found their way
And those who  journey on  each day. 

The person you were  meant to be
To live your true identity
To live with love authentically 

With courage you can set yourself free 

I am what I am, no matter what they say

transgender and proud, never afraid to show my face

I won’t let society, dictate  just who I’m meant to be
I’m beautiful and proud, for the whole wide world to see

Break the  chains of conformity
Just ignore what they want you to be   
With every step and stand take
you’re breaking down the walls of hate

I am what I am, no matter what they say

transgender and proud, never afraid to show my face

I won’t let society, dictate  just who I’m meant to be
I’m beautiful and proud, for the whole wide world to see


You are valid you are loved you divine
Step into the light  and trust that
Everything is fine     

Break the  chains of conformity
Just ignore what they want you to be   
With every step and stand take
you’re breaking down the walls of hate

I am what I am, no matter what they say

transgender and proud, never afraid to show my face

I won’t let society, dictate  just who I’m meant to be
I’m beautiful and proud, for the whole wide world to see

I won’t let society, dictate  just who I’m meant to be
I’m beautiful and proud, for the whole wide world to see

100% of proceeds to be donated to ACLU, The Trevor Project, Rainbow Youth Project, etc.
See receipts from “Where Is Safe” song (2022)

Here are the receipts from the first release week… (coming soon)

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